Randolph Area Mutual Aid Network (RAMAN)
A group of organizations serving primarily the Randolph, Braintree, Brookfield, and East Granville area is working together to provide information and services to the public in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This site is working to collect and share information and will be updated regularly.
If you or someone you know needs help or wants to help individuals in our community with basic needs, please fill out the appropriate form by clicking on one of the buttons below.
People without internet access can call 802-727-0092 to give their info or request a paper form.
If you are interested in joining the statewide COVID-19 volunteer effort visit www.vermont.gov/volunteer
Jump to Section
Recent Updates
Please consider donating to the Capstone Community Action Two Rivers Community Fund, a relief fund supporting Orange & Northern Windsor Counties as well as Hancock, Granville & Pittsfield.
Make sure to select the "Two Rivers Community Fund" option in the drop-down menu when you are redirected to the Capstone Community Action donation webpage.
Founding Organizations
Organization Name |
Phone |
Website/Email |
Bethany Church United Church of Christ | (802) 728-5849 | bethanyuccvt.org/ |
Capstone Community Action | 802-728-9506 | landerson@capstonevt.org |
Central Vermont Council on Aging | 802-479-0531 | www.cvcoa.org |
Clara Martin Center | (802) 728-4466 | www.claramartin.org |
Gifford Health Care | (802) 728-7000 | giffordhealthcare.org |
Kimball Public Library | 728-5073 | info@KimballLibrary.org |
Orange County Sheriff's Office | 802-685-4875 | orangecountysheriff.com |
Orange Southwest School District | (802) 728-5052 | orangesouthwest.org/ |
Randolph Area Community Development Corporation | (802) 728-4305 | racdc.com |
Randolph Food Shelf | (802) 431-0144 | www.randolphareafoodshelf.org |
Randolph Rotary | (802) 728-4799 | Rotary Club Website |
Randolph Senior Center | (802) 728-9324 | randolphsc@gmail.com |
Safeline | 1-800-639-7233 | www.safelinevt.org |
St. John's Episcopal Church | 802-728-9910 | info@stjohnsrandolphvt.church |
Tri-Valley Transit | 802-728-3773 | www.stagecoach-rides.org/ |
Sunrise Rotary | Sunrise Rotary Webpage | |
Support and Services at Home (SASH) | 802-728-3310 | sashvt.org |
Town of Braintree | 802-728-9787 x 7 | Braintree.EMD@gmail.com |
Town of Brookfield | 802-276-3352 | www.brookfieldvt.org/ |
Town of Randolph | (802) 431-7348 / (802) 728-5433 | randolphvt.org |
The following is where you can locate information and updates from federal, state, and regional organizations.
Organization |
What they're doing |
Where to find them |
Agency of Commerce and Community Development | COVID-19 guidance for VT businesses | COVID-19 Recovery Resource Center |
Centers for Disease Control | Providing information/national updates on COVID-19 | CDC Website |
Central Vermont Council on Aging Senior Helpline | Information and referral for elderly community members | 1-800-642-5119 |
Health Vermont | Providing information/state updates on COVID-19 | Health VT Website |
Internal Revenue Service | Tax information and updates related to coronavirus | IRS Coronavirus Tax Relief |
Office of the Governor | Executive orders from the Vermont Governor | Governor Scott's Executive Orders |
Small Business Association | Providing resources and financial assistance for small business | SBA Coronavirus Small Business Guidance and Resources |
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee | Providing information/east-central Vermont updates on COVID-19 | TRORC Website |
Vermont 2-1-1 | Find resources in Vermont, call 2-1-1 | vermont211.org |
Vermont COVID-19 Response Fund | Accepting donations! | VT COVID-19 Response Fund Website |
Vermont Department of Labor | Updates for employers/employees related to COVID-19 | DOL Website |
Vermont Department of Labor | cover topics that are timely and of current community benefit | Past Virtual Town Halls |
Vermont Emergency Management | Providing information/updates for municipalities | VEM Website |
Vermont Resource List | crowdsourced list of information, please self-verify | Vermont COVID-19 Resource List |
Vermont Retail and Grocers Association | COVID-19 resources for retailers | VTRGA Resources for COVID-19 |
Vermont Small Business Development Center | Information for small businesses | VtSDBC Website |
VT Department of Taxes | Information about state taxes, deadlines, etc. | Department of Taxes Website |
Please note that this list of services is updated by volunteers. Information may be incomplete, it is being updated to the best of our ability.
Jump to a service: Basic Needs: Food; Basic Needs: Shelter/Utilities; Basic Needs: Transportation; Basic Needs: Health; Services for Businesses; Financial Services; Education/Entertainment Services; Internet Access; Religious/Spiritual Services; Services for Seniors; Miscellaneous Services.
If you are having trouble viewing the services, please click here.
If you find information that is inaccurate or links that are broken, please let us know. Click here.
Basic Needs: Food
Services |
Organization |
Contact |
Commodities Assistance | Randolph Food Shelf |
12 Prince St # 3, Randolph, VT 05060 |
Basic Needs: Shelter/Utilities
Services |
Organization | Contact |
Finacial Counseling, Housing Counseling, etc. | Capstone | PO Box 284, 12 Prince Street Suite A, Randolph, VT 05060-0284 |
Basic Needs: Transportation
Basic Needs: Health
Services for Businesses

Released by the Governor's Office on May 20, 2020
Financial Services
Education/Entertainment Services
Internet Access
Religious/Spiritual Services
Services for Seniors
Miscellaneous Services
If you find information that is inaccurate or links that are broken, please let us know. Click here.
Businesses that are still open and providing services.
If you are a business interested in adding information about your services, please fill out this form or contact us directly.
If you don't see a business that is open but not listed, contact us and contact the business to let them know about RAMAN.
Business |
Service being Provided |
Hours of operation |
Contact Information |
Check for Updates |
have gift certificates |
A-Team Auto Glass | Auto Glass repair and replacement | By Appointment | 802-775-5500 | Call for most recent updates | Yes |
Abel Mountain Campground |
Site rentals for essential workers Offer campsites for self contained RVs only, no public bathroom facilities are available at this time. |
May 8, 2020 - Oct 11, 2020 |
802-728-5548 info@abelmountain.com |
http://www.abelmountain.com | Yes |
Al's Pizza & Deli | Take-out, curbside available on request |
Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 7pm May vary based on how busy they are |
802 431-0240 | www.randolphpizza.com/ | Yes |
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust | The drive up is available for regular transactions and lobby appointments are available for needs that cannot be handled at the drive up. Please call the branch directly to make an appointment with a banker. |
21 Main Street, Randolph: 189 VT Route 12 South, Randolph: |
Main Street Branch 802-728-9611 Justin Morgan Office Branch
Customer Service Center |
Central Supplies | encourage curbside, but allow walk-ins | Monday-Saturday 7am - 1 pm, Sundays 8am - 1pm | 802 728-9531 | http://www.bethelmills.com/index.php | |
Chef's Market | Curbside pick-up only | Tuesday - Saturday 9am-4pm |
802-728-4202 | chefsmarketvt.com | |
Chip's Auto and Tire | Auto and light truck repair tire sales | Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm |
802-728-5474 chipsautoandtire@gmail.com |
https://chipsautoandtire.com/ | |
Hillside Botanicals | Herbal wellness and CBD products; select bulk medicinal herbs. Shipping and local no-contact delivery available. | 9am-5pm Wed-Sat. |
315-729-3978 |
Instagram: @hillside_botanicals; Facebook:
www.facebook.com/HillsideBotanicals |
Yes |
Huggable Mug Cafe | Takeout meals and baked goods | Wednesdays and Sundays from 9am - 1pm | Huggablemugcafe.com | Yes | |
Kinney Drugs |
Operating during normal business hours. If you are not feeling well please use free delivery services or our drive through window to keep yourself and our staff safe. |
Store: Pharmacy: |
802 728-6284 | Kinney Drugs Website | |
One Main Tap and Grill | Offering curbside takeout and delivery | Tuesday - Saturday 4-8 pm |
802 565-8117 | https://www.facebook.com/OneMainTG/ | Yes |
Rite Aid | Curbside prescription pick-up on request Prescription delivery available for most prescriptions Inventory is limited for near future |
At-risk persons (seniors, pregnant, etc.) shopping hour: 9am -10pm Store: Pharmacy: |
802 728-3722 | Rite Aid Website | |
Shaw's |
Strictly following CDC guidelines about maintaining distance between people |
Tues and Thurs 7am - 9am at-risk (seniors, pregnant, etc) shopping only 7am - 8pm Daily |
802-728-3584 | Shaw's Website | |
Sidewalk Florist |
Cut flowers and flower arrangements delivery & no contact pick up only |
Mon-Fri 9:30am-4:00pm, Sat: 9am-12:00pm by phone or online |
802-728-9979 |
Sidewalk Florist Facebook www.sidewalkflorist.com/ |
Yes |
Vermont Computing Cooperative, Inc |
Computer sales and service work on PCs, Macs and Linux systems. Build desktop PCs which come with a 3-year warranty on all parts and a 3-year maintenance plan ($100 maintenance service done for free every six months) |
Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Saturday 10am -1pm | 802-728-9217 | https://vtcc.coop/ | Yes |
Contact us:
If you have questions about RAMAN Click here.
If you are interested in receiving updates from RACDC and RAMAN fill out the form below.