21 N Main St, PO Box 409
Randolph, VT 05060


 (802) 728-4305 

 (802) 728-4863 (fax)


Downtown Program

Randolph's Designated Downtown

Since 2000 Randolph has participated in the Vermont Downtown Program, a community revitalization program meant to preserve the historic character and enhance the future of medium to large-sized historic centers. Since 1999, Downtown Designation has provided communities with financial incentives, training and technical assistance supporting local efforts to restore historic buildings, improve housing, design walkable communities and encourage economic development by incentivizing public and private investments.The designation allows Randolph to benefit from tax credits, grants, awards, and other opportunities. RACDC acts as the local organization that coordinates the Downtown Designation in partnership with the Town of Randolph.  Each year, RACDC facilitates a survey for all Downtown businesses, landlords, and organizations to participate in, the results of which help measure economic and community development metrics.  In 2018, a community wide Downtown Visioning Meeting was facilitated to identify long term goals and opportunities for Randolph's Downtown, many of which can be seen in the reports linked below. 

The Downtown Designation reflects a pledge to work collaboratively to improve the strength of our Downtown and its organizations by working on four major goals. These Downtown specific goals are required by the State program, and have wider reaching impacts throughout our greater community. 

Download Collected 2018 Info:

Downtown Program Goals

Organizational Development

Building a stronger downtown organization and network to try to implement the program.


Updating buildings and infrastructure, as well as enlivening community spirit and involvement.


Improving the visibility of your downtown inside and outside the community.


Bringing goods and services in the community to the attention of those who can use them, encouraging business development.

Programs Supported by the Downtown Program






Tax Credit Program

Tax Credits help stimulate private investment, create jobs, restore historic buildings, and jump start the revitalization seen in Vermont's Downtown Designation and village centers. Successful projects range from small bed and breakfasts and rental apartments to multi-million dollar downtown investments.

Tax Credit Types

10% Tax Credit for Substantial Rehabilitation of Certified Historic Buildings: A state income tax credit of 10% for the costs of substantially rehabilitating a certified historic building is available as an "add-on" credit for projects that qualify for the 20% Federal Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit (RIT).

25% Tax Credit for Rehabilitation of Older or Historic Buildings: A state income tax credit of 25% is available for owners or lessees of buildings built prior to 1983 that undertake projects that cannot qualify for the 20% Federal RITC and 10% State "add-on" credit. Up to $25,000, this credit is for the 25% of costs of a large variety of building improvements.

Sprinkler System Rebate: A rebate of up to $4,000 of the construction permit fees paid to the Department of Labor and Industry when installing a complete automatic fire sprinkler system, if the project receives either 10% or 25% state building rehabilitation tax credits.

50% tax credit is available for elevators, lifts and sprinkler systems: A 50% state income tax credit is available to property owners and lessees for installing or improving an elevator, platform lift or sprinkler system to meet building codes.

RACDC encourages building owners in eligible areas to contact us – we will be happy to help review your project and if it’s eligible, help you prepare the applications that meet program guidelines. Application deadlines change each year, please visit VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development site for this years submission date.


Download Guidelines and Application

What is eligible?

Buildings built before 1983 and located in a Designated Downtown or Village (in our area they include Randolph's Designated Downtown, East Randolph, and Bethel's Designated Village Centers) are potentially eligible to receive tax credits for capital improvements. To find out if your building is located within one of the state's downtown or village designations, you can look up your location at http://smartgrowth.vermont.gov/

Eligible types of projects include: sprinkler systems, elevators or lifts, code upgrades or facade improvements. A new tax credit supports telecommunications and wiring updates that help with digital building improvements. There are also credits available that "piggy back" onto anyone using Federal Historic Tax Credits that cover a wider variety of improvements.

These credits have helped building owners rebuild after fires, install sprinklers to prevent loss of life or property, and improve the 'curb appeal' or function of their buildings. Tax credits awarded can be used by the landowner, or, more often, sold to banks, which then use them to offset their state taxes. Downtown tax credits are one of the easiest of all the state programs to apply for and use. Applications are usually due on or about July 1st of every year, and decisions made by the end of August. Start early!

For more information on the designation program and tax credit opportunity, contact RACDC at 802-728-4305 or racdc@racdc.com.



Downtown Kiosk


The Downtown Kiosk is a part of the Downtown Program's goal to promote the visibility of downtown businesses and Randolph. Below are downloads for the current panels in the kiosk. There are several panels that are reserved for community events and announcements.

Kiosk Posting Instructions

Where: Submit your postings in the lobbies of Northfield Savings Bank, Bar Harbor Bank, or in RACDC office (3rd floor of the Lake Sunapee Bank building).

When: Submit to us by Friday for posting the following Monday.

What: Flyers and posters attractively presented and easy to read. 

Who: Town-Sponsored events and Randolph-based organizations will have priority usage. The program being advertised must be open to the public or for the benefit of the greater Randolph Area Community. No commercial posting please.

Why: The kiosk is brought to you by the town of Randolph and RACDC as part of our efforts to strengthen and revitalize our downtown.

Posting is limited to available space. RACDC may limit the length of posting time and reject inappropriate postings at its sole discretion. Thanks for your submissions. If you have any questions please contact us. 


Downtown Community Events

First Fridays

RACDC holds a community gathering in downtown Randolph on the First Friday of the month, June through October. Live music, local craft vendors, kids activities, downtown businesses open late, and community fun! Come join us on Merchants Row and Main Street!


Safe and Seen Halloween

RACDC partners with the Town of Randolph and the White River Valley Chamber of Commerce in a Halloween Celebration in Downtown Randolph. Hundreds of families march in the Halloween parade starting from the Town Hall to gazebo park where RACDC has a booth giving out candy and toys, down Main St to local businesses who participate in handing out candy and through Hospital Hill (Highland Ave & Maple St) for trick-or-treating.