21 N Main St, PO Box 409
Randolph, VT 05060


 (802) 728-4305 

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Notice of Public Hearing on the Draft Randolph Lurs

Thursday, April 10, 2025 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm04/10/2025 9:30pm Notice of Public Hearing on the Draft Randolph Lurs The Randolph Selectboard will hold a public hearing on the draft Randolph Land Use Regulations (LURs) before the regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting on Thursday April 10. The LUR review will begin at 5:30PM. **This will be a hybrid meeting. Attend in person or use the Zoom link on the April 10, 2025 Selectboard agenda to join remotely. The proposed draft of the Randolph Land Use Regulations covers all of the lands in the Town of Randolph. The purpose of this hearing is to take comments from the public on the final draft of the Randolph Land Use Regulations prior to adoption. The draft Randolph Land Use Regulations will replace the current zoning bylaw in its entirety. The Bylaw is meant to further the purposes of the Town Plan and 24 VSA section 4302. Copies of the final LUR text and zoning maps are available at the Town Clerk's office during business hours and posted on the Town website. General Sections of the draft Randolph Land Use Regulations are: ARTICLE 1 - APPLICABILITY AND ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE 2 - ZONING DISTRICT STANDARDS ARTICLE 3 - GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 4 - SUPPLEMENTAL USE STANDARDS ARTICLE 5 - DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ARTICLE 6 - ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS APPENDICES Any questions can be directed to the Randolph Zoning Administrator, zoning@randolphvt.org or 802-728-5433 x13. Randolph Town Offices, located at 7 Summer Street. RACDC info@racdc.com America/New_York public
Randolph Town Offices, located at 7 Summer Street.
The Randolph Selectboard will hold a public hearing on the draft Randolph Land Use Regulations (LURs) before the regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting on Thursday April 10. The LUR review will begin at 5:30PM. **This will be a hybrid meeting. Attend in person or use the Zoom link on the April 10, 2025 Selectboard agenda to join remotely. The proposed draft of the Randolph Land Use Regulations covers all of the lands in the Town of Randolph. The purpose of this hearing is to take comments from the public on the final draft of the Randolph Land Use Regulations prior to adoption. The draft Randolph Land Use Regulations will replace the current zoning bylaw in its entirety. The Bylaw is meant to further the purposes of the Town Plan and 24 VSA section 4302. Copies of the final LUR text and zoning maps are available at the Town Clerk's office during business hours and posted on the Town website. General Sections of the draft Randolph Land Use Regulations are: ARTICLE 1 - APPLICABILITY AND ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE 2 - ZONING DISTRICT STANDARDS ARTICLE 3 - GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 4 - SUPPLEMENTAL USE STANDARDS ARTICLE 5 - DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ARTICLE 6 - ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS APPENDICES Any questions can be directed to the Randolph Zoning Administrator, zoning@randolphvt.org or 802-728-5433 x13.