21 N Main St, PO Box 409
Randolph, VT 05060


 (802) 728-4305 

 (802) 728-4863 (fax)



Monday, August 5, 2024 - 8:00am to 4:30pm08/05/2024 12:00pm SUMMER CAMP Motio Recs Epic Summer Camp   Join us as we enjoy all the outside play our community has to offer including hiking, woods play, river time, swimming at the pool, rec fields and of course everything Motio has to offer inside. We still have spots available. Go to our child/programs page for more details and to get the kids signed up.   Motio Recreation Center RACDC info@racdc.com America/New_York public
Motio Recreation Center
Motio Recs Epic Summer Camp   Join us as we enjoy all the outside play our community has to offer including hiking, woods play, river time, swimming at the pool, rec fields and of course everything Motio has to offer inside. We still have spots available. Go to our child/programs page for more details and to get the kids signed up.